Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Great Wall

It stretches 5,500 miles long.If you were to draw a line between Los Angeles & New York, it would only be half that size (2,451 miles as the crow flies). That's a long wall.It was begun sometime around the 8th century BC and sections continued to be built, added to, and rebuilt up through the 15th century (AD).As a symbol of China and a world heritage site, efforts are being made to preserve the wall which has fallen victim to centuries of desertifation, sand storms, erosion, and in our modern enlightened society, vandalism.There's a lot of work to be done, but even if I never get to stroll down it, I'd like to think it is there and will be there forever.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


In Eastern Greenland, you will find the town of the "Big House Dwellers," or "Ittoqqortoormiit" in the Eastern Greenlandic dialect.There is a surprising variety of life to be found in this icy climate.
Musk Ox, Polar Bear, Stoat, and Black-Headed GullIt is a good place to see the Aurora Borealis.Looks a little cold to me, though.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


In the northeast corner of France lies the Champagne region, in which you will find the town of Reims.Reims was settled around 80 BC, lasting through the Roman Conquest, Civil War, and two world wars. It has many sights worth seeing, including Roman ruins, a range of cathedrals and churches, and the place where the Wehrmacht surrendered (unconditionally) to Eisenhower and the Allies ending World War II.Truly a region steeped in history.
Top picture: Place du Parvis. Middle picture: Mars Gate. Bottom Picture: Notre Dame de Reims.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The name "Suriname" always makes me think of Africa, but it isn't in Africa at all. It's in South America.It used to be Dutch Guiana, but it's been independent of the Netherlands since 1975.
The population is small, at least people-wise, but it is a lush landscape, teeming with life.

Who's up for a boat ride?