Tuesday, February 9, 2010


In the northeast corner of France lies the Champagne region, in which you will find the town of Reims.Reims was settled around 80 BC, lasting through the Roman Conquest, Civil War, and two world wars. It has many sights worth seeing, including Roman ruins, a range of cathedrals and churches, and the place where the Wehrmacht surrendered (unconditionally) to Eisenhower and the Allies ending World War II.Truly a region steeped in history.
Top picture: Place du Parvis. Middle picture: Mars Gate. Bottom Picture: Notre Dame de Reims.


  1. WOW! I didn't know that Notre Dame was so ORNATE! I love all of the detail. It looks like it is made of lace in so many places. You have been here - right?

  2. I've only been in France virtually. Notre Dame is gorgeous, and the windows (look them up if you get a chance) were designed by Chagall. (There are some cool gargoyles too.) The stone tracery is really amazing, isn't it? I'm pretty impressed by the Mars Gate - ancient Roman and still standing!

  3. Man, stuff like this sure makes America seem young. When I was in Philly, with you, I thought that American history seemed so vast and deep. Then, I went to Japan, and the tour guides were saying things like, "The shrine to your left is over 2,000 years old."

    There are too many data in the world. We should really start erasing some history and destroying random bits of knowledge; give us a chance to feel like we can learn a lot of what there is to know.

    First thing we get rid of? Ambitransitive verbs. Pick one or the other, verbs!
