Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mount Kilimanjaro

On the border between Tanzania and Kenya, just south of the Equator, is the tallest mountain in Africa: Mount Kilimanjaro.Nobody actually knows for sure where the name came from. There are several theories, but each is flawed for various reasons. The name antedates the record of its etymology. It was known about anciently by traders and historians from as far away as China: there are records of a giant mountain inland from Zanzibar, but so far as anyone knows, it wasn't really explored until the mid 19th century.It's actually three volcanos, two of which are extinct. The remaining peak, the highest, though, is dormant with its magma 1,310 feet below the surface.The peak of Kilimanjaro is a "sky island" - a piece of land so high up as to be isolated from its surrounding land. It's actually considered an "easy" climb, but because it is so high up, many people get altitude sickness and some have even died from it. If you want to make this climb, take it easy, take it slow, and don't forget to take lots of pictures!


  1. That first picture you have of it is UNREALISTICALLY beautiful!!! I think this looks like the perfect place to escape. I'm guessing there is no cell phone service? I could use that about now!!!

  2. I think the name of the mountain was coined by Toto. But seriously, cool destination.Da-dat-dat-dat-da-dat-dot-daa.

  3. yay thank you! (been unpacking more boxes so im catching up on my blog reading tonight.) i will show Little Cat C this post in the morning.
