Monday, July 26, 2010


The Grand Hotel in Oslo.
Nobody actually knows where the name Oslo came from. There are some theories, but no agreement. For a brief time, Oslo was Christiana, then Kristiana, Christiana again, and then it was back to Oslo. There is some talk of renaming at least a part of the city Christiana again.
Oslo's Port in March
Oslo is a capital marked by greenspace.Vigeland Park
Oslo Lighthouse
Interestingly, it is actually much warmer than one would expect. It is in the path of the Gulf Stream, which makes it not as cold in the winter as it should be.

It sure looks pretty to me.


  1. It looks pretty to me too - but ONLY the pictures that don't have snow and large chunks of ice in them (those pictures look too much like Idaho Falls!) Why aren't WE in the path of the Gulf Stream here? My winters are colder than they should be. And while I won't say anything about YOUR BIRTHDAY BEING TOMORROW because I know you don't want anyone knowing about YOUR BIRTHDAY TOMORROW - I do have to ask, why didn't you choose a better location to spend your Birthday - you know, one that doesn't get ice chunks in the river at all???

    And I hope you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW even though no one knows about it. I am going to eat cake and icecream in your honor!

  2. Very pretty. You know, Ridgecrest is a lot warmer than I think it ought to be...
