Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the 775 room residence of Britain's sovereigns (since 1837).The Queen's Guard stand sentry in front of both this palace and St. James Place. When the Queen is in residence, there are four guards, but when she is away from Buckingham Palace, there are only two.You always know the Queen is in residence by the flying of her royal standard. If this flag is flying, the Queen is inside.


  1. Why did you put a picture of my gardens on the top? ha ha. My gardens only look like that when YOU are here - where are you? You have been to Buckingham Palace - yes? It's really beautiful! Maybe I should go there for some serenity time - she has enough rooms to put a few of us up!!!

  2. At first I thought how annoying it would be for people to know whether I am home or not. Between the guards and the flag it's not like I can just not answer the door - everyone knows I'm home. Then I realized that probably not too many people can just pop in to BP to see the Queen. "Yo! S'up Queeny Baby?"
